Treatment Approaches
Gottman Couples Therapy
Based on up to 40 years of longitudinal intervention and prevention-based research with couples. John Gottman has identified what factors can predict divorce or long lasting happiness in relationships. His clinics have additionally developed approaches to helping couples identify, eliminate, and transform harmful relationship and communication patterns.
Humanistic Therapies
Humanistic therapies promote self-understanding and personal growth. Humanistic therapies focus on conscious thoughts, present experience and self-fulfillment, with a unique emphasis on a person’s own self-healing capacities.
Focus on the development of personality, behavioral patterns and symptom development as related to and determined by interpersonal relationships.
Meditation, Mindfulness & Contemplative Traditions
Intentional focusing of one’s mind on the present, increasing one’s experience of being and observation of mental contents such as thoughts, sensations, feelings and memories.
Current research regarding brain functioning and what methods effect changes in the hard wiring and firing of neurons in the brain to relieve symptom development and to enhance happiness and well-being.
The use of medications that serve to correct imbalances in neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers in the brain responsible for the neurological or biological basis of human behavior and functioning.
Focuses on the importance of the unconscious mind and early childhood experiences that shape our internalized patterns of self and relationships with others.
The application of different approaches based on the theory that stages of change unfold over time and different interventions and theoretical models apply depending on where one is at in terms of the primary emphasis required for the stage of change.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
An empirically based intervention that utilizes mindfulness and behavioral change strategies to increase psychological flexibility or the ability to more consciously engage in the moment in the service of one’s chosen values.
Behavior Therapies
Provides action-oriented strategies utilizing behavioral and social cognitive principles of learning to reduce or eliminate maladaptive behavior, as well as to develop constructive behavior.
Client Centered Therapy
A form of humanistic therapy characterized by a warm, supportive, empathic approach that encourages clients to identify and understand their own feelings and genuine self to improve self-esteem and promote the development of insight.
Help individuals identify dreams, create a plan to outline goals and overcome obstacles, enlist support and resources and work towards realizing those goals. This service is not eligible for reimbursement as defined by insurance companies.
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)
Based on the belief that thoughts, rather than people or events, cause negative feelings. CBT is a structured teamwork approach between therapist and client and often involves homework. It has been clinically proven to help clients in a relatively short amount of time with a wide range of problems.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Empirically supported humanistic treatment that conceptualizes the therapist as a process consultant. In couples work this approach incorporates over 25 years of outcome studies that supports effectiveness in guiding partners into increased emotional responsiveness with each other improving trust, satisfaction and intimacy. Change involves new experiences of the relationship in treatment and new relationship events.
Work with families or couples both together and individually to help them improve their communication skills, decrease negative conflict, and build on positive characteristics of the relationship.